Due to cool grinding, very suitable for use on temperature-sensitive materials
High level of grinding comfort through lowvibration grinding
Economical to use due to the high edge
stability even on low-speed tool drives
Mounted points in hardness N are manufactured from regular aluminium oxide and a high-quality resinoid bond.
This relatively hard bond contains grinding additives, which in combination with tough regular aluminium oxide and the hard bond allow high stock removal rate s and excellent tool life.
The hardness N is particularly suited for edge grinding on stainless steel (INOX). It is characterized by co ol grinding and high dimensional stability.
Application examples : Grinding of fillet welds on high-grade steel components Removal of bu rrs on moulded high-temperature-resistant alloys
Removal of burrs on cast stainless steel parts
Grinding of chamfers in preparation for welding of stainless steel profiles
Grit size : 46
Acc. To US shape : W 177
Shank diameter : 6 mm
Shank length : 40 mm
Burrs Diameter : 10 mm
Burrs Thickness : 20 mm
Recommended Speed : 92.000 Rpm
Max. Speed : 95.400 Rpm
Rp 71.000
(exc. PPN)
Rp 78.810
(inc. PPN)
Harga Satuan
Rp 71.000
Lead time diperlukan 90 hari kerja.
Barang akan siap dikirim dalam waktu tenggang yang ditentukan.