Complete with 1200A 12 inch flexible current clamp probes.
Datalogging of single and 3-phase/3-wire or 3-phase/4-wire systems (up to 52428 single phase readings or 17476 3-phase readings).
Flexible clamp probes can be used for wrapping around bus bars and wire bundles.
Large backlighting LCD displays up to 35 parameters in one screen.
Clamp on True RMS power measurements with on screen Harmonics display.
Simultaneous display of Harmonics and Waveform.
Display of Waveform with Peak Values (1024 samples/period).
Analysis of Total Harmonic Distortion (THD-F).
Maximum Demand (MDkW, MW, kVA, MVA) with programmable period.
Adjustable CT ratio (1 to 600) and VT ratio (1 to 3000).
G raphic Phase diagram with 3 Phase system parameters. 3 phase Voltage or Current Unbalanced Ratio (VUR, VIR) and Unbalanced Factor (d0%, d2 %).
Calculated Unbalanced Current through Neutral Line (In).
C apture 28 Transient events (including Dip, Swell and Outage) with prog rammable threshold (%).
Optically isolated USB interface with softwa re to download Waveforms, Power Parameters and Harmonics.
Includes 3 flexible current clamps, 4 voltage leads with alligator clips and retractable plunger clips, 8 AA batteries, universal AC adapto r, software, USB interface cable, and case
Datalogging of single and 3-phase/3-wire or 3-phase/4-wire systems (up to 52428 single phase readings or 17476 3-phase readings)
Flexible clamp probes can be used for wrapping around bus bars and wire bundles
Large backlighting LCD displays up to 35 parameters in one screen
Clamp on True RMS power measurements with on screen Harmonics display
Simultaneous display of Harmonics and Waveform
Display of Waveform with Peak Values (1024 samples/period)
Analysis of Total Harmonic Distortion (THD-F)
Maximum Demand (MDkW, MW, kVA, MVA) with programmable period
Adjustable CT ratio (1 to 600) and VT ratio (1 to 3000)
Graphic Phase diagram with 3- Phase system parameters,3-ph ase Voltage or Current Unbalanced Ratio (VUR, VIR) and Unbalanced Fact or (d0%, d2%)
Calculated Unbalanced Current through Neutral Line (In)
Capture 28 Transient events (including Dip, Swell and Outa ge) with programmable threshold (%)
Optically isolated USB interf ace with software to download Waveforms
Power Parameters and Harmonic s, Includes 3 flexible current clamps, 4 voltage leads with alligat or clips and retractable plunger clips, 8 AA batteries, universal AC a daptor, software, USB interface cable, and case.
ACV (True rms) 600V +/- (0.5%rdg+5d)
AC Current Model PQ3350-1 (1200A) +/-(0.5%rdg+5d)
Active Power (kW) 9.999MW +/- (1%rdg+8d)
Apparent Power (kVA) 9999kVA VA=Vrms x Arms
Reactive Power (kVAR) 9999kVAR VAR= sqr (VA2 -W2)
Power Factor 0.0 to +1.00 +/- (1.5%°rdg±8d)
Frequency 45-65Hz 0.1Hz
Phase -180.0 Deg – 0 D eg - +180.0Deg +/-1 Deg
Harmonics 1 to 99 +/- 2%
Crest Factor 1.00 to 99.99 +/- (5%+30d)
Peak AC Voltage accuracy _ +/-(5% rdg+30d)
Peak AC Current accuracy _ +/- (5%rdg+30d)
Acti ve Power Energy (kWh) 0mWh to 999999kWh
Reactive Power Energy (kVARh ) 0.0kVARh to 1000MWh
Datalogging 52428 records (single phase)/1747 6 records (3 phase)
Dimensions/Weight 10.1 x 6.1 x 2.3 inch (257 x 155 x 57mm)/ 2.5 lbs (1160g)
Technical Spec
Netto Weight: 1.800 KG
Height Demension: 15.700
Length Demension: 35.700
Width Demension: 25.500
Dimension uom: 35.700
S$ 11,180.34
Unit Price
S$ 11,180.34
Lead time of 90 working days required.
Item will be ready to dispatch within the lead time specified.