Natural granite is free from deterioration or dimensional changeover time.
Granite surface plates have significant advanta ges overcast iron surface plates: Twice as hard as cast iron. Non-magnetic. Lowthermal expansion.
Free from wringing, so th ere is no interruptionof work.
Free from burrs or protrusions bec ause of the fine grainstructure and insignificant stickiness; this ensures a high degreeof flatness over a long service life and causes no damage to workpiecesor instruments.
Use these plates in a stabletemperature environment. Since flatness error occur s when there isa temperature difference between the working surface and the underside,avoid working in direct sunlight. Also, do n ot place a plate in thevicinity of an air conditioner, etc. (Re commended environment:Temperature 20±1°C, Humidity 58±2%)
Free from deterioration.
Free fromwringing
Free from burrs
Flatness : 0.005MM
Technical Specifications
Netto Weight : 2700 KG
Unit Demension : 2000 X 1500 X 300 MM
Type : Standard
RM 135,731.43
Unit Price
RM 135,731.43
Lead time of 90 working days required.
Item will be ready to dispatch within the lead time specified.